Daycare Can Harm the Social-Emotional System
So, there was this study published in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy that talked about how spending lots of time in daycare can lead to some lasting social and emotional issues. Back in 1997, Quebec, Canada started this super affordable childcare program for kids aged 0 to 4. It was a big deal and led to more moms joining the workforce and more kids going to daycare in Quebec compared to the rest of Canada. The outcome? According to Baker, Gruber, & Milligan (2019), the kids who went to daycare in Quebec showed "increases in early childhood anxiety and aggression." As these kids grew into teenagers, the study found that they reported lower health and life satisfaction. Plus, this group ended up having more run-ins with the law later on.
Source: M. Baker, J. Gruber, & K. Milligan, "The Long-Run Impacts of a Universal Child Care Program," American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 2019, 11(3): 1–26
The Value of Mom & Dad
Hey, no one looks after a baby like their mom and dad! It's all about creating a safe, consistent, and caring environment for the baby's brain development. Parents just have this natural instinct to take care of their child with all their heart. Picture this: a parent who's always there to comfort the baby when they cry, feed them when they're hungry, and give them warmth and love. It's like a beautiful dance between parent and child, where they both learn from each other and grow together. This dance is crucial for the child to develop a positive sense of self, but it does require time and practice. When a parent responds to their child in a loving way, they are actually paving the way for the child's future growth. The child starts to feel safe in the world and realizes their own worth. This forms a strong emotional bond between parent and child, but remember, it's a process that takes time. So, who do you think your child will connect with the most?
Challenging Social Norms that Govern the Family
Hey, I get it! You're talented, and you have dreams. You've put in the work at school, and you want an awesome career post-college. You're thinking you can totally juggle being a mom and a professional, right? Well, it might not be that simple. If both you and your spouse are clocking in 50 hours a week at work, there might not be enough time left to really connect with your child. Your little one could end up spending more time with a caregiver, who plays a crucial role in creating a safe and loving environment for your baby's development. Without that strong bond between you and your child, you will probably find parenting to be a bit of a challenge. Plus, studies suggest that your child could face some social and emotional challenges. So, what's the solution? Well, before starting a family, you have to decide whether or not you want to prioritize raising amazing humans! Challenge the idea that money and career should come before kids. Remember, the hierarchy of priority should be God, spouse, children, then career. Make building a healthy family a priority. If you enjoy learning, why not take a class on child development? Raising kids may not bring in a paycheck. The real reward is having children who excel in many things because you sacrificed your time and talent to help them develop the neural pathways for social and emotional success. They will know their value.